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  Guide to Preparing a D’var Torah   

Preparing a d’var Torah can be intimidating. However, presenting a d’var Torah doesn't necessarily demand vast Jewish knowledge or extensive rhetorical skills. It requires only a willingness to explore a text and to share your exploration with others.  The beauty of a d’var Torah is that every individual can help others see the Torah in a new and different light.  We hope that the following links may assist you in having a more rewarding & enjoyable experience preparing and delivering your d’var Torah:


How to Create a Meaningful and Inspiring D’var Torah

A sacred act called “giving a d’var Torah.” A d’var, “a word” of Torah, is a brief teaching where you connect your Torah portion with the heart, mind and spirit of those present. 14 Recommended Steps

Special thanks to Rabbi Goldie Milgram & Wiley Publishers


Dos & Don’ts of Giving a D’var Torah

By Rabbi Richard J. Israel

Seven Approaches to a D’var Torah

By Rabbi Richard J. Israel

How to Prepare Torah Thought

by Rabbi Daniel Pressman

Torah Commentary Archive from the Jewish Theological Seminary

select a parsha

Index of Torah Portions from

select a parsha

Women Studying Torah

 select a parsha made possible by the Hadassah Foundatione Hadassah Foundation